Have you got a constant habit of worrying about your business or home or relationships or your health???
Fear and worry go hand in hand
Fear causes worry, worry makes you tense and nervous and affects your nervous system. For eg. When you worry, the gastric juices of your stomach turn from normal to abnormal which often leads to stomach ulcers. Dr. Joseph F author of ,”nervous stomach trouble” says ,”you do not get stomach ulcers from what you eat, you get ulcers from what is eating you”. Worrying causes not only stomach ulcers but is also associated with many psychosomatic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc. many of the diseases are linked directly to the mind. What you think is what you get.
Fear, hate, worry, supreme selfishness and inability to adjust themselves to the world of reality are nothing but various emotions that we face,” as we sow, so shall we reap” meaning, when emotions of this category make a home in our mind, the direct impact is on our body in way of various diseases ,for eg. like the architect who first makes blue prints of his project and then works on it step by step.
Many a times our mind imagines situations which have not happened or may never happen in real life. Why waste our time and energy imagining things that might never affect us?

For eg. If a person makes very big “y” loops

Then it is one big indication that this person will make a mountain out of a mole hill. Whatever this person visualizes will be bigger than what is happening in reality. These people are good story tellers.
It has been noted that most of our problems and unhappiness come from our own imagination and not from reality. When we know that something is not suiting us, we try to change it. Here handwriting analysis comes in very handy as you have the power to change your writing scientifically (Grapho- therapy) to change your thoughts, to change your life.
Change your today for a better tomorrow.
Farida H B
Certified handwriting analyst
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